(Pssst... this event ends soon)

Sound familiar?
• I suck at making videos.
• I don’t even know where to start.
• I’m afraid to put myself out there. #resistance
• I stand sweaty and nervous in front of my camera and then completely FORGET what to say.
• I’m so confused about cameras, lighting, editing, wardrobe, backdrop and microphones. Ahhhh I’m so intimidated $@*&%!!!
• I’m not interesting enough, thin enough, young enough, funny enough or pretty enough to make videos.
• I’m too plain, too old, too weird, too overweight, too boring to make videos – AND I’ve got wrinkles!
• Time to run for the hills!
• Time to hide from my camera!
• Who. Wants. To. Hear. From. Me?

Sarah here, and I get your fears + overwhelm.
But here’s the thing:
Making videos doesn’t have to be painful.
(Instead it can be FUN + EXCITING!)
Let me help you.
Get my hands-on video expertise from in front of AND behind the camera:
As a film director, actor (and introvert), I know first-hand how frustrating, scary and downright awful it can feel to get in front of the camera.
– Especially when you don’t quite know what you’re doing.
AND as a card-carrying hibernator, I completely understand how hard it can be to STAY CONSISTENT when it comes to putting your videos out into the world.
Over the years I’ve learned how to turn your fear into action, and transform your dread into excitement.
Work with me to so you can create confident, profesh videos that build a genuine connection with your dream clients – and make you more moolah!
I’ve got 20+ years experience in the film industry. I started off as a scared, inexperienced actor and later became a writer, director and producer.
And having directed short films, documentaries, stage plays and music videos, I know a thing or two about bringing out the best in people on-camera + making pretty videos. 🙂
And having gone from scared actor to feeling confidents on-set, I know a thing or two about shifting the ol’ mindset so you can SHINE in YOUR videos.

If you’re like, “Hey Sarah, I just wanna skip ahead to the good parts”, then choose your adventure below:
You stand in front of your camera.
You feel CONFIDENT + EXCITED to engage with your dream clients.
You press the record button…
You. Rock. It.
You speak from your heart, you have fun, you teach your peeps incredible content…
And your audience simply CAN’T WAIT TO WORK WITH YOU!
This. Is. Possible.
Video isn’t just for the chosen few.
You just need the right training.
Now that you know it IS possible to not suck at this, it’s time for an important question:
Are you ready to roll up your video sleeves?
If you said YES, then you’re in the right place!
“I thought ‘oh man, am I really the kind of person who can be on-camera?’
Sarah meets you right where you’re at, she sees the POTENTIAL in you and she makes you feel like ANYTHING is possible!
She is the Obi-Wan to your Luke or Leia.”
~ Susan O’Connor,

So… how DO make amazing videos, anyway?
Well, instead of Googling “how to make a video”, hoping and praying that you find the info you need (and that it won’t make your eyeballs bleed, why not follow my step-by-step ladder of awesome?
This TRAINING LADDER is designed to give you just the right amount of learning at just the right time.
For example:
If you’re scared of your camera, you should never ever (ever) be thinking about stuff like cameras, editing, lighting, wardrobe and microphones.
That would be enough to make anyone run for the hills.
At this early (terrifying) stage, it’s just about being able to press that record button and share your early, awkward videos in our safe, private + supportive group.
All that other mumbo jumbo comes later in the Training Ladder (when you’re not scared of your camera anymore).
Make sense?
Video is being used by entrepreneurs all over the world to build businesses, grow lists, gain trust and likability, and to make more MOOLAH!
So let’s make sure you’re not left out in the cold.
Here’s the exact process from START to FINISH…
Your TRAINING LADDER looks like this:
Before working with me, you’re SCARED OF YOUR CAMERA ↓
Then you do The 5-day visibility challenge ↓
And now you’re excited to make videos – but you want EVEN MORE on-camera confidence + more profesh videos ↓
Yay! It’s time to Rock the On-Camera Bootcamp ↓
Dive into the Video mastermind ↓
At last, You’ve got all the tools you need to make videos your dream clients will love. Yay you!!! ★ ★ ★
Let’s talk about what you get in the training BUNDLE:
IT’S AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3…
1. The 5-Day VISIBILITY Challenge
This program is GREAT if you’re completely terrified of your camera and want to be able to press that record button with ease.
This is the perfect mini-course if you’re terrified of being seen + heard.
You get simple recording exercises that are designed to get you past this painful first phase.
It’s a quick + fun breakthrough so that you can FINALLY START your video journey.
#NoBrainer 🙂
– Worth: $797
2. The On-Camera Bootcamp
The OCB is a fantastic all-in-one program that takes you from fearful video newbie to CONFIDENT video maker.
Go deeper dive into on-camera CONFIDENCE + making your videos look more profesh.
This is a 6-WEEK online program that teaches you how to not only SHINE on-camera but to also make your videos look + sound GREAT.
I’ve distilled 15+ years as a film director and actor into a step-by-step program that takes you from awkward to awesome in your videos!
The OCB isn’t about empty promises.
I teach you the exact mindset tricks that I’ve used over the years to get COMFY in front of the camera. Plus YOU PRESS THE RECORD BUTTON often + consistently in this program, to keep your momentum moving forward.
Making awesome videos isn’t just for the “special” entrepreneurs or the extroverts or the ones who can hire an entire film crew.
If it’s time for you to STOP PLAYING IT SMALL, then it’s time for you to take the video leap!
Even the entrepreneurs who were SCARED of making videos at the start, found that they were able to actually HAVE FUN making their videos.
Oh and don’t get me started on the effect videos have on your future clients and your impact in the world. 🙂
The OCB trains you to PLAY IT BIG(GER) in your videos + your biz!
– Worth: $7997
3. And my brand new 3-month Video mastermind
This puppy is perfect if you need that extra hand holding and accountability on your video journey.
This brand new 3-month mastermind is where the video rubber really meets the road.
It’s not just about the safe space we create, it’s also about empowering you to ACTUALLY put yourself out there.
Sometimes the best momentum comes from training in a small group setting.
This is PERFECT if you want to bust through your video blocks AND get major hands-on accountability.
This mastermind is about further building your video confidence so that you start to truly put yourself out there.
It’s time to be seen + heard (inside + outside of the classroom).
The MAGIC starts in September!
– Worth: $3997
These programs transforms you from terrified video newbie to consistently posting VideoStar with all the hand-holding and accountability you need.
(But of course you are!)
Then welcome to the JOY Sale!!!
In my years of work I’ve come to know something about YOU…
You’re a dreamer, an action taker with soooo much to share.
(But you’ve been hiding from the camera).
You’re scared that what you do on-camera doesn’t match the size of your goals and the potential of Who. You. Can. Be.
(So you don’t press the record button).
You’re passionate about what you do but are afraid of how bright you might truly be.
(So you don’t truly put yourself out there).
Especially in videos.
So I created something super cool for YOU…
With my recent birthday inspiration, I decided to spread some joy by giving you a WHOPPING 30% off my training BUNDLE!
(25% if you buy the programs separately).
So why is EVERYTHING on sale?
Three reasons:
1. Because you know how strong the resistance can be to making videos, so I wanted YOUR NEXT VIDEO STEP to feel like a no-brainer.
2. You’re part of my video family. Thank you!
3. We live in such wonky times and I wanted to put a smile on your face.

“Soooo beyond what I expected from a video training course! When I mustered up the courage to join, I did so with a fair amount of kicking and screaming. I knew that I needed to up my professional game for my online audience. Trouble was, I’ve never enjoyed putting myself in the spotlight. Ever.
Thankfully, Sarah creates a safe place for even the most resistant of wallflowers like me. She knows how to tease out all of the awkward bits, knows when to encourage, and how to gently push when we need it most (but don’t actually know it yet).
Of course you’ll also learn how to improve video production quality using all of the tips and tricks that only Sarah can teach. If you’re on the fence about signing up right now, stop hesitating. Just say yes!”
~ Cherice D.
Here’s how this SALE works
You can play as BIG or as small as you want with The Joy Sale –
Get INDIVIDUAL programs or grab them ALL in one snazzy BUNDLE for even MORE savings!
Yep, you heard me.
Since I understand the struggles of getting started making video, I’ve created a customized BUNDLE of my fancy pants programs that teach you every aspect of making videos your dream clients will LOVE!
With individual programs, you get 25% off, but if you buy the bundle you get a WHOPPING 30% off.
(NOTE: Sale prices are instantly applied as soon as you click the snazzy buy buttons.)
As you’re having a look around, the one rule for this sale is:
Make sure you’re stepping outside your comfort zone.
It should feel both scary + exciting when you sign up.
(I understand how intimidating video can feel).
But 20 years in the film industry has taught me one thing:
You. Can. Do. This.
If you’ve been doing the math, the three programs are worth almost $13, 000.
And the regular price is just $3,191.
But this week ONLY:
––> now only $2,233.70 USD!
Ready to SHINE in your videos?

Need a breather?
How about a mini cheerleading session:
Even though video may seem impossible now…
It isn’t.
It’s simply a matter of shifting your mindset under the right guidance.

Okay, let’s chat bonuses!
In this section I’m not gonna detail the MASSIVE AMOUNT OF BONUS GOODIES that you’re getting from the different programs.
And with the bundle, you get ALL of those bonuses. 🙂
And as an additional thank you for grabbing the BUNDLE TODAY, you get a COMPLIMENTARY one-hour Power Session with me!
This is a one-on-one way to really dig into YOUR SPECIFIC VIDEO NEEDS. And it’s tailored to meet you where you’re at.
Imagine getting a filmmaker’s mind focused on YOUR video glitches, fears and dreams.
During this powerful hour we’ll dive into your most pressing on-camera/video concerns that can include things like:
- Bringing out more parts of your amazing PERSONALITY on-camera.
- A deep dive into your video “IT FACTOR” – what makes YOU stand out from the crowd.
- Developing the unique video STORY + PURPOSE for your biz.
- Brainstorming video CONTENT IDEAS.
- Getting a clearer vision of your VIDEO BRAND.
- Discovering STEP-BY-STEP STRATEGIES for making amazing videos.
- Getting constructive, helpful FEEDBACK on your previous videos so you can improve.
- Learning how to create your VIDEO SCRIPTS that are clear and exciting.
- Discovering customized ways to IGNITE your dream clients through your videos.
… and more. What we dive into is up to YOU!
NOTE: We won’t be able to cover ALL those things in this BONUS SESSION, so please keep that in mind when deciding what THREE things you need to focus on the MOST.
– Value: priceless
Can this BUNDLE really change your (video) life forever?
Here’s what my AMAZING students have to say…
“My new approach is one of having fun on camera which makes me feel more comfortable.
Can’t wait to do it for real now!”
~ Esha Davis,

“It was short, fun and was life changing for me!“
~ Julie Pearson
“I sat on the fence until the last minute as I wasn’t supposed to be spending money on courses! My confidence has improved markedly.
With each module I have completed I can see my confidence growing. It is a safe and encouraging environment to learn it. Sarah is very generous with her time and feedback.”
~ Sandra Reid, artist

The Deep Dive…
Check out the individual programs
I wouldn’t want you to buy this AMAZING BUNDLE without knowing exactly what transformations are heading your way.
Click below to learn about the video adventures you’re embarking on:
(Psst… if you simply want the SINGLE programs, you can purchase them on these pages).
Let’s wrap this puppy up with a digital ribbon!
Here are the top FIVE reasons why you should Bundle it up:
When you Bundle it up you save a total of 30% off ALL my programs (instead of 25%). Shazam!
This. Sale. Is. An. Experiment. I don’t know if I’ll make ALL my programs available like this ever again.
Following my simple training ladder, you get everything you need for the ENTIRE video-making process.
You start at the scary, awkward beginning, and through my guidance, you become a true VideoStar (in the most genuine and simple way).
You get The 5-Day Visibility Challenge, the 6-week On-Camera Bootcamp and a 3-month Video Mastermind.
(This price is ridiculous, lol!)
If you’ve been hemming and hawing about video, while KNOWING that you need to be visible in order to grow your biz, then I highly recommend that you invest in yourself.
This bundle helps you put some skin in the game so that you truly take ACTION.
(Instead of just thinking about it).
If you’re not quite ready to dive in right away, grab these puppies while they’re on sale and then dive in when you’re good to go.
(Exception is the Video Mastermind. It starts in September.).
Okay VideoStar…
Are you ready to make videos your dream clients will LOVE?
Because I’m ready to gently kick your video booty. 🙂
Be seen.
Be heard.
And excite your dream clients.
Lemme ask you again (just to be sure):
Are you ready to make videos your dream clients will LOVE?
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