You got this, Sales School alumni.

(And I’m here to hold your hand.)

Does this broken record sound familiar:

You have to do a video and your Heart Starts Racing.

And in your mind you’re saying: “I will definitely do it later today, OR when I’m over my cold, OR when I’ve finished ALL my other projects”.

Then you forget about it for another day.

And then suddenly you remember that you have to do a video. Eek!!!

And it’s the same ol’ conversation in your head: “Yep I will definitely do it later today!…”

I totally get it.

When you FIRST START MAKING videos you probably feel…


that they’ll see how IMPERFECT you are! You don’t even want to face your camera. AHHHH!!!


that you’ll look unprofessional in your videos. Do you really want to put yourself out there? EEEEK!


by the technology. Where should you start? Maybe your message isn’t even worth sharing. ERGHHH!!

Sounds intimidating, right? 

I mean, all that research, the trial and error, piecing together bits of info from different sources. Yuck!

It feels like a lot to absorb all at once.

(And it is when done this way)

Oh and then there’s the times when you finally work up the nerve to press the record button…

… only to see you hopes dashed away by your fear, bad sound or by wonky lighting.

– Yeah. That seriously sucks. Totally agree. –

But here’s the thing:


Video is actually a superpower that YOU CAN LEARN!

It’s a skill like any other.

And when you learn how to do it the right way, video:

Builds your profile and RECOGNITION

Tells your STORY and your dream clients’ stories

Creates genuine CONNECTION with your crowd

So how do you develop this superpower?

Well, your first step is: Move past the fear of making videos.

(Sooooo key.)

When your fear takes control of your videos, then your audience doubts your actual abilities.

(And we both know that you’re great at what you do.)

But you don’t want them to get the wrong impression of your professionalism, experience and skills, right?

Try this on for size:

If you embrace being seen + heard, your audience will enjoy watching you!

Once you move past your fear, you can start to do the other keys to making great videos, such as:

  • CONFIDENTLY putting yourself out there on-camera.
  • Talking in a way that MAKES SENSE and isn’t too wordy (or too drawn out) for video.
  • UNLEASHING the best parts of your personality on-camera.
  • Being more TIME-EFFICIENT when making videos.
  • Making videos that LOOK GOOD.

Sound like stuff you’d like to learn? Cool!

Then I’ve got just the thing for you.

Say hello to the On-Camera Bootcamp!


What to expect in the On-Camera Bootcamp:


First up, you should know that the On-Camera Bootcamp is for passionate entrepreneurs who are suuuper scared of their video camera but are seriously ready to play it bigger in their biz.

It’s perfect for the ‘preneur who wants to bust through their fears and create a video-splash in their industry.

The On-Camera Bootcamp is an 8-week adventure that takes you through the video-making process step-by-step.



If you need to Go At Your Own Pace… You can do that too!


What does the overall journey look like?



In this program, you learn about technology + gear AFTER we’ve busted through your FEARS of being on camera, not BEFORE.

This way you’re feeling CONFIDENT, READY + EXCITED to learn the tech stuff that feels too intimidating right now.

That’s the BEST way for you to learn how to make AMAZING videos while AVOIDING VIDEO OVERWHELM.



The On-Camera Bootcamp requires your utmost commitment to the work.

I ask some tough questions, and you take some challenging actions, but as a result you get lasting, transformative results.

You can expect to invest several roll-up-your-sleeves hours of work to do each week.

(Fear not. If you fall behind there’s one additional week for implementation).

But you need to truly show up and take risks.



I take great pride in the awesomeness of my students.

Even though they’re scared of video at the beginning of the program, they’re also ready to make a difference in the world, AND they won’t let fear stop them.

Learn from a filmmaker on a mission

The On-Camera Bootcamp is like no other video training system because it’s actually a FUN, ACHIEVABLE + EMPOWERING experience.

After nearly two decades in the film + theatre industries as a writer, director + actor, I’ve spent countless hours IN FRONT OF + BEHIND the camera.

What I know for sure, is that the majority of entrepreneurs are making videos the WRONG WAY.

Teaching you how to approach video from a playful + heartfelt perspective – instead of a dreaded, heart-pounding one – literally became my biz mission.

An in the On-Camera Bootcamp, in just 7 short weeks, you’ll transform from scared to SHINING; from eek to EXCITED; from playing small to playing BIG in your videos.

Even if this is your first foray into video for your biz, I got you!

Ready to start your video adventures?

Your investment is $997 USD ––> SAVE 20% now!

Sounds amazing but you need more info?

Cool beans.


Keep scrollin’…

“I sat on the fence until the last minute as I wasn’t supposed to be spending money on courses! My confidence has improved markedly.

With each module I have completed I can see my confidence growing. It is a safe and encouraging environment to learn it. Sarah is very generous with her time and feedback.”

~ Sandra Reid, artist

It’s time for a sneak peek


This video is for the curious-minded. Want to see what it’s like inside the ACTUAL program?

Click the play button to watch one of your first lessons:

And if you’re the kinda person who needs to dig even deeper, go ahead and download this guide. It walks you through each of the modules with more detail:

You IN?

Are you thinkin’ “Maybe, maybe, 1000 times maybe?”

It’s all good. 🙂

Let’s do a DEEP dive!

Say hi to The Modules


These lessons to put you in the right mindset for making videos. It’s your first, simple step to truly committing to your learning.



  • Time is On Your Side
  • The 3 Key Ingredients to Video Success
  • Two Powerful Video Mindsets
  • Staying Accountable


Get ready to stretch your ideas of what you’re capable of on-camera, discover mindset tips that help you press the button with ease and record your first guided practice videos using a camera you already know how to use (phone, webcam, etc).


  • The 5 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Drool-Worthy Videos
  • Practice Makes Parfait
  • Transform Fear into Fabulous

Plus, get your first Video Missions!


It’s time for some high impact training that gets you pressing record consistently, and leaping through your on-camera blocks.

Press record on 5 more guided practice videos (using the same simple, easy camera).

These Video Adventures are designed to bust you outside your comfort zone.


  • 5 Ways to Banish the Inner Critic
  • Your Video Hero’s Journey
  • The “Ordinary World” Exercise
  • The “Why” That Will Change Your Videos Forever


It’s time to learn how to speak AUTHENTICALLY to your dream clients through video.

Discover what you should SAY in your videos so that you ENGAGE your audience.


  • The YOU Rule
  • Your Video Alter Ego
  • Happy Accidents
  • The Dork Factor
  • Your Dream Client’s OW
  • Your Dream Client’s Inner Monologue
  • Your Video Love Letter

Get more Video Missions designed to bring out your BEST.


IMPLEMENTATION WEEK! If you’re following the course on-schedule, you get a week to digest and to do bonus Video Missions, if you so choose.

I know you’re busy, so this week is ALL about giving you the extra time you may need to get caught up on your studies.

And for those who are keen to go deep, you get a Sweet Sheet that includes 123 practice video ideas. BAM!


Get the intro to lighting, camera, sound and backdrops that are simple and doable.


  • Sound 101
  • Easy, Peasy Lighting
  • Bodacious Backdrops
  • Simple Camera Tricks to Make Your Videos Look More Profesh

Press record on more Video Missions that incorporate an element from the tech training.


It’s time to go deeper into tech. These are elements that you can build upon over time.


  • EDITING 101– You learn the basics to editing simple and effective videos. Plus you get my fave editing tricks to making videos that feel more professional.
  • LIGHTING 101 – Here you get three tiered lighting lessons (Using natural light; Using the lights that you already have in your house; Using semi-pro lights.

Press record on more Video Missions that incorporate an element from the tech training.

Making amazing videos and attracting your dream clients are both about taking ACTION.

Simply thinking about it doesn’t get ‘er done.

Still sittin’ on the video fence?

All good.

Let’s talk bonuses

When you sign up for the On-Camera Bootcamp, you get access to an amazing library of resources that you can return to whenever you need that extra bit of help. Check out these goodies:

Get your hands on ALL my resource recommendations from idea creation, tech stuff, through to shooting, uploading and hosting. This is a super handy guide with resources all in one place!


Get the skinny on making a compelling get to know ya video for your homepage.


This is a power-packed interview with this social media queen. You get ah-mazing tips on making sure that your videos are being SEEN.

A seasoned voice over artist, Tina knows how to bring a script to life, transforming the way people engage with her clients’ products and services.
Learn ideas from a high energy performance coach, vocalist and speaker.
You get increasing value as the course grows. As long as the program is running, you’ve got lifetime access to all the materials. This includes all extra bonus materials that are added over time (oh yeah, you get any new content as the course gets bigger).



This is a safe space for you to post your videos, get encouragement and support your fellow VideoStars in the making. Get access to a community of like-minded passionate entrepreneurs just like you, going on the same video journey. It’s a fantastic and supportive hub of burgeoning VideoStars in the making.

It’s more than a community. It’s your on-camera family.

I’ll also be in there to offer extra guidance, cheering you on and giving you direction and clarity.



READY TO GET STARTED? (But of course you are!)

Still sittin’ on the video fence?…

Let’s take a look from a different angle…

Can you afford to NOT join the On-Camera Bootcamp?

  • Think of all the TIME you save (goodbye combing the interwebs).
  • Think of all the FRUSTRATION you avoid (so-long trial + error).
  • Think of all the MONEY you save (stop buying the wrong tech).

With the On-Camera Bootcamp you no longer have to waste your days, patience and moolah learning how to make amazing videos from two dozen different sources.

You can put your videos out into the world, confident that you’re putting your best foot forward.

And you don’t have to be terrified of your camera and quit before you even truly start.


Because you’ve got me as your own virtual filmmaker while you learn how to make videos your dream clients will LOVE.

Instead of having to painstakingly feel like you suck at being on-camera, simply use my strategy that helps even the most timid video newbies get comfy in their videos.

Don’t get overwhelmed by all the technical info out there to make your videos LOOK GREAT, just follow my simple step-by-step strategies.

Don’t go at this alone and criticize your efforts into submission, when you can have a community of cheerleaders (myself included), to encourage ALL your (video) baby steps.

Frequently asked questions


How much equipment do I need to do this program?

All you need to get started is either your smartphone or your webcam, so that you can make really simple video recordings. All other tech is optional, and stuff you can build upon through the bonus section.


What results can I expect from the Bootcamp?

Your full participation in the Bootcamp gets you comfy and confident on-camera confidence! You learn how to make your video LOOK and FEEL professional. Make simple videos that you can post on your website and blog. You get a full library of tips and tricks in your arsenal that you can use for years to come. So whatever you’re not ready for now, it’s there for you, when you want to dive into that particular step.


How much time do I need to invest?

Like most things in life, you get out of the On-Camera Bootcamp what you put into it. I highly recommend that you do the course as I’ve laid it out. One module per week (module three is spread out over two weeks).

It depends on how deeply you dive into the written part of the course (there is LOTS of GOLD in the Sweet Sheets) and how many attempts you need to create your Video Missions.

How much time you invest into the program each week is, of course, up to YOU. But a studious student can expect to set aside at least a few hours each week to roll up her sleeves and do the work.


Another course? Can I really DO this?

I know it’s natural to have concerns. I’ve invested a lot of time and money into online courses myself. Plus I’ve been working SUPER hard to create a course that would deliver RESULTS.

Here’s a GOLDEN part of the On-Camera Bootcamp: While it is designed as a 7-week program, you can go at your own pace. And I stand by the power of this program.



Money back guarantee


I stand by the power of the On-Camera Bootcamp. But because I know it can be scary to sign up for a new program, I’ve included a 30-day, 100% money-back GUARANTEE.

HERE’S THE SCOOP: Because I genuinely want you to make amazing videos and spread your message to the world, I ask that you first watch all the training videos from the FIRST 4 WEEKS, and complete + send me the assignments up to that point.

If we don’t see a transformation in your videos at that point, I’ll give you a full refund. I believe in the course that strongly.

It will TRANSFORM your videos.  🙂

“Soooo beyond what I expected from a video training course! When I mustered up the courage to join, I did so with a fair amount of kicking and screaming. I knew that I needed to up my professional game for my online audience. Trouble was, I’ve never enjoyed putting myself in the spotlight. Ever.

Thankfully, Sarah creates a safe place for even the most resistant of wallflowers like me. She knows how to tease out all of the awkward bits, knows when to encourage, and how to gently push when we need it most (but don’t actually know it yet).

Of course you’ll also learn how to improve video production quality using all of the tips and tricks that only Sarah can teach. If you’re on the fence about signing up right now, stop hesitating. Just say yes!”

~ Cherice D.

Alrightee, my (video) friend.

It’s time for you to make your choice.

Is it time for you to hide?

Or is it time for you to SHINE?

© 2013 – 2019 Sarah Michelle Brown. All rights reserved. | Legal | Privacy policy

© 2013 - 2023 Sarah Michelle Brown. All rights reserved. | Legal | Privacy policy